IMAGVIEW.TXT Tue 06-14-1994 17:45:26 IMAGVIEW.EXE, -another- simple and simple minded Visual BASIC for Windows program! This one displays "any" graphic file with the extensions *.BMP, *.WMF, *.ICO, and.... *.RLE! This viewer can display your Windows 3.1 startup file called VGALOGO.RLE (in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM if you are looking for it) and any other *.RLE file you have been dying to view. What's that? Who gives a blinking cursor about graphic files with the extension *.RLE??? Well... you do, probably, but you don't know it yet.... You see... Microsoft uses *.RLE files for their startup logo graphic format. Last year I wrote a file set called WINLOGO.EXE that showed you how to CHANGE the Windows 3.1 startup logo to one of your very own. But, didn't have a way to -display- these *.RLE graphics before installing them until now. WINLOGO.EXE is one of the most downloaded programs on CompuServe. So... I know that Windows 3.1 users just LOVE graphic programs and like to mess with their Windows logos. This Visual BASIC will display those mysterious and elusive *.RLE files as well as display "life-size" or ENLARGE your true-blue 766 byte Windows ICONS. Yes make =big= icon pictures and also "Stretch to Fit" your *.BMP, *.WMF and *.RLE pictures too.... What does "Stretch to Fit" mean? Well if the graphic is small, "Stretch to Fit" will stretch it to fit a three by four inch (3x4") IMAGE Box on the screen. If the graphic is humungous... checking the "Stretch to Fit" Check Box will make that graphic SMALLER. With the "Stretch to Fit" Check Box UNCHECKED, you will note if you Click on a large graphic, the Window displaying the program will enlarge to fit that graphic and the shrink again with when displaying a smaller graphic. It was so neat to write the code to do that.... Only took me a few dozen minutes compared to the impossibility of doing the same with a DOS program. So... "one small step for graphics and one giant step towards making a Visual BASIC Windows LOGO Changer!" John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571